Friday, January 13, 2012

"No obstacle too great"

Lots of changes coming for the Willards in 2012. Most recently: trying to become homeowners. Exciting right? Not entirely.

Before we moved to Texas, we were pre-approved, had an offer in on the best house we found in our price range and were patiently waiting (5 months later) on the Short Sale to go through. Then, Tyler got laid off. We had to pull our offer, and all of the stress, happiness, relief emotions kicked in. We were forced to move to TX where it was hard to go back to renting when we were SO close to owning.

Anyway, we signed a 6 month lease, knowing {if} we still liked Texas, if Tyler still liked his job, and if I wasn't still a complete wreck, we'd try to buy again when our lease was up.

Those 6 months flew by. What an adventure it's been! And now we're here, rushing to buy/get in a house to avoid another lease signing.

Tyler was home last week and we were able to go look at some possibilities on his very last day off. Someone beat us to the punch on what we thought was 'the one'. We looked at one more right before Tyler had to leave and fell in love.

It's beautiful, the model home, brand new, and everything I would ever want in a home, including having the option to buy the lot next door to avoid a cookie cutter sized yard.

It seems like everyday is different, one day things go great, the next EVERYTHING goes wrong. Days that make you wonder if you're doing the right thing for your family, financially,

Tonight it hit me.
I'm stuck in Texas if we buy a house. Can we do this? Do I want to be stuck here? Is this even the right house? Sometimes I want to go home so bad, is it right to raise my family here, away from all other family? Is that fair?

I found a quote that helped me tremendously. It certainly didn't give me all of my answers, but it's helping me get to that point.

"There is no obstacle too great, no challenge too difficult, if we have faith."
Gordon B. Hinckley

Simply said, have faith. Faith in what we're doing for our marriage, our family and our future. But most importantly, faith in the Lord.


  1. Love love love that quote!!! 2 years ago when we decided to buy a house I totally went through these same emotions! Even somedays they still creep in, especially around the holidays!!! I miss my family like crazy everyday but after getting to know the youth in our ward and stake and seeing their faith in the lord and their strength in the gospel I know that this is the place for our children to be raised!!! That's why I'm trying to get my family to move here ;)

  2. Well if your family wasn't so darn likable it might be easier. We love you. I am sure your Mom would LOVE to have you closer to home, but I am a firm believer that EVERYTHING happens for a reason. Take it to the Lord, Go to the Temple and if it is the right thing for you and your adorable family, then the Lord WILL let you know. GREAT faith quote too! I need that on my fridge. I wish you the best of luck in your choices. Have a GREAT weekend! Be safe! Much Love!

  3. Amen sister! We love you and miss you like crazy but your family is most important!!

  4. What a great and faithful attitude. You are such a wonderful example. It is very hard to be away from family but totally agree with what you've said about growing as a couple and a family. We've totally seen that with us and that's a good thing. Thank goodness for phone calls and visits to see family that's far away though!
